Land of Sky Chapter of NCPAC

Land of Sky Chapter of the North Carolina Professional Appraisers Coalition

I am sure many of you have gotten a call recently from one of our members on our
push to get information out there about the pending AMC bill, but really LOSC-NCPAC
is about more than that.  I think you will find that the camraderie of being
able to talk to fellow appraisers will help you in many ways.  One, you will
find out that you are not alone in the troubling times, that we are going
through, and you may find comfort in that.  Two, that whenever you have a
question about appraisal you can post it here instead of having to call the NCAB
for an answer ( not that they are not the experts, but sometimes it is nice just
to run by someone else before calling in the pros).  Three, it is just good to
know what is going on in the appraisal industry and that something is being done
to protect what is left of our profession... so welcome to all the new members!

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Our next meeting is on Wednesday, March 17th at noon at the Ryan's on Brevard Road in Asheville.

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